Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Yummy! Gummy bears – mm mm good. Well, these may not be the edible ones but many a woman would rate them as just as "yummy!"

Gummy bear breast implants are the latest buzzword. They are also known as cohesive gel breast implants.

Plastic surgeons are very pleased with these implants and so are the women that are getting them. The rave is all about the shape – it’s more predictable, it lasts longer, and it's just overall better. These implants aren't new to the market, just new to the US. They’ve actually been in use for about ten years in the rest of the world.

Dr. Grant Stevens, one of 15 U.S. doctors participating in a study of Silimed cohesive gel implant, says, "The 'gummy bear' implants have the positive attributes of the silicone gel, but lack the concerns of gel migration" and

"Cohesive gel implants feel like breast tissue, not a water balloon."

They earned the nickname gummy because when you cut into them they have the same texture as those "yummy" gummy bear sweets we love to eat. This type of breast implant never leaks which is a real advantage from the traditional silicone implants, and it never ruptures which can be a problem with saline implants.

The ingredients are exactly the same as standard silicone gel with a cross-linker added so that the molecular bond is stronger which is why they have a more form-stable shape. Even if one of the gummy bear breast implants managed to rupture, it wouldn’t leak out.

Dr. Kim, a San Francisco plastic surgeon, is an investigator with several clinical studies on gummy bear implants. His site offer gives a clear description of both saline and cohesive gel implants.

Almost all of the women who have chosen to have the gummy bear breast implants are very happy with them. If you think these might be right for you, discuss it with your plastic surgeon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Breast Augmentation Through The Belly Is Scarless

Having no scars makes breast augmentation that much more natural looking. This might not be important for everyone, but for some it is a wonderful development. Perhaps, you spend a lot of time at the beach in a bikini, maybe you are a model, or maybe you are just a little self-conscious in the nude. Whatever your reason for wanting to be scarless, this is an option for you.

Each year thousands of women from all walks of life decide to have breast implant surgery. Maybe you've been thinking about it too but just can’t bear the scars that are such a give-away. Are the scars the only thing standing between you and fuller breasts? But what if you were a candidate for the belly procedure?

The what you ask? TUBA or Transumbilical Breast Augmentation is an endoscopic procedure. The implants are inserted through the belly button, which eliminates any scarring.

Mentioned on the website for Swan Center for Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, "A recent surgical breakthrough called TUBA (Trans Umbilical Breast Augmentation) allows the surgery to be performed through the belly button eliminating scars altogether! An improved variation of this technique uses an endoscope to precisely position each implant thus improving symmetry, balance and natural look of the newly augmented breasts."

It also decreases the time it takes to recover, and most patients suffer less pain and less post-op wound care. Overall, it means you’ll be down for less time. The entire procedure will take 30 to 45 minutes and there is much less risk of damage to the nerves that supply feeling to the nipple area. It is the least invasive of all the breast augmentation procedures.

Not all breast augmentation sizes can be done with TUBA, so you will need to know what size of implants you want before your surgeon can tell you if you are a candidate for TUBA. And of course, it cannot be use with silicone implants. It does work well with saline.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Young Women With Breast Cancer And Chemo Treatments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we talked about it earlier, but I think I want to address the topic again ...

Recent breast cancer research looks at the relationship between young women with breast cancer and chemo treatments. It seems if you have breast cancer at a young age, your prognosis isn't nearly as good then if you receive it at an older age.

Oncologists generally want younger woman to have the tumor removed followed by chemotherapy. However, studies have shown chemotherapy on its own isn't always successful. That's because younger woman most times have what's called hormone receptor positive breast cancer.

The European Organization for Research did several studies. 480 women under the age of 41 with early stage breast cancer were studied. They assessed estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and several other areas were accessed over just over 7 years.

The study showed that patients with ER positive tumors had a much better OS rate compared to those with ER Negative tumors. Now most of this is probably beginning to sound just a little bit like a foreign language, but the bottom line is ...

The end result of the study showed that younger women with hormone receptor positive tumors got far less benefit from chemotherapy than patients that had hormone receptor negative tumors. These various studies actually confirmed that chemotherapy treatment can't always be considered an optimum treatment choice in women that are under 41.

One way to reduce your risk of breast cancer at a young age is to regularly do a breast self-exam, often referred to as BSE. While it's not a cure it's a reliable method of getting to know your breasts and being able to recognize subtle changes.

Visit for some excellent information on doing your BSE including diagrams. Taking care of yourself with early BSE is the first step to early detection.

Breast Reconstruction For Breast Cancer Survivors

For survivors of breast cancer there is always the option of breast reconstruction. You find the loss of your breast[s] really is accepted at different levels between women. Some take it in stride and carry on, while other can't even think what life would be like without their breasts.

Breast reconstruction simply attempts to ease the loss of your natural breasts. Breast reconstruction becomes both a medical and personal decision. The more you understand breast reconstruction, the better a position you will be in to make the right choices.

Is breast reconstruction for you? Each woman will have their own reasons why they want to have breast reconstruction. It might be emotional, physical, for your overall lifestyle. There are many breast cancer and breast reconstruction groups online that are a great place to discuss your options.

Breast reconstruction will reshape your breast after a mastectomy, even after a lumpectomy. It can balance the appearance of your breasts when they are different sizes and shapes.

There are several plastic surgeons that specialize in breast reconstruction. During the initial consult you can discuss with your surgeon any concerns you have, and he or she will explain to you all of your options. Of course, your oncologist will have an active role in determining if breast reconstruction is right for you.

You may decide to start with prosthesis, which are external breast forms that you will place inside a special bra. They come in all different shapes and sizes, as well as various materials. It can help you determine what size breasts you'd like to have.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are Your Considering Breast Augmentation?

Are you considering breast augmentation? Thinking that it’s time for those breast implants? Maybe things are starting to sag? Perhaps you’ve decide your body image could use a bit of a boost. What ever your reason breast augmentation has improved things for many women – both physically and emotionally.

Mammoplasty is the “official” name for breast augmentation. Your surgeon will have a consultation with you to determine what type of breast implants and the size of the implants that would be best for your body size.

The implants are placed under the breast tissue and beneath the chest wall muscle. You will usually have the incision in the crease under your breast or under your nipple. Sometimes the belly button is used and sometimes the armpit. This will be between you and your surgeon to decide.

With breast implants, the sack is filled with saline to reach the cup size and shape that’s wanted. Rather than being measured by cup sizes, ccs are used to get a precise sizing system. Recently, silicone gels have come to market to offer another interesting option for you.

The surgery takes anywhere from one to three hours to complete, and your recovery times is short. Generally, you’ll be able to return to work within a week unless your job is of a strenuous nature. Almost all women that have breast augmentation will tell you that it was a life enhancing experience that boosted their physical appearance and their self-esteem.

For more information on breast augmentation, you should make an appointment with a plastic surgeon in your area.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Breast Cancer and Your Breasts

As October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, it is timely for me to discuss breast cancer and your breasts.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of cancerous cells in the body, and hormones do play a pivotal role in the entire cancerous cell development process, but how this exactly happens is a question still unanswered.

A noteworthy fact per the recent survey conducted is that 20% to 30 % of women have a family history, but the majority, 70% to 80%, have NO family history! Early detection is the watch word when it comes to any kind of cancer and more applicable particularly in case of breast cancer.

It becomes crucially important for every woman to do breast self-exams on a monthly basis, to keep yourself informed and identify any bodily change. It's highly believed that breast cancer is incurable, but this is so untrue. The earlier you detect, the chances of recovery are much greater.

If any of these signs or symptoms is noticed on your breast, I strongly recommend you to get to the doctor, get a mammogram quickly:

* Development of a new lump or mass on the breast or on areas around the breast.
* Swelling on all or part of the breast
* Breast or nipple pain
* Nipple retraction
* Redness or thickness of the nipple or breast skin
* Discharge other than breast milk

A thorough examination of your breasts will find any lumps or areas suspicious because of their texture, size, relationship to the skin and chest muscles, changes in nipples, enlargement or firmness of lymph nodes.

Any of this could indicate chances of or spread of breast cancer. A woman with cancer in one breast has 3 to 4 fold increased chances of its spread and development in the other one too.

However, with the increasing growth in technology and development of medical sciences, dedicated researchers and health professionals, this disease is much more survivable.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Finding a Breast Augmentation Surgeon

Deciding to have breast augmentation work deserves your full attention in finding the best breast surgeon in your area. In fact before you make your final decision for breast implants, you should have your surgeon chosen.

The two main criteria to choosing your plastic surgeon is the credentials and your comfort level with the surgeon. Like your dentist or family doctor, you should look to build a long-term relationship. You will be returning to see your surgeon several times, so it should be relaxing and comfortable.

Just as important is a surgeon who has excellent surgical skills and is board certified. You need to be able to comfortably communicate both with the surgeon and with the staff in the office. In fact, they are the first line of communication before you get to your surgeon, so it's important that you also get along well with them.

When meeting with the plastic surgeon and trying to decide whether the surgeon is right for you, consider whether your questions are easily answered with the amount of detail you need to feel at ease.

There are many sites that provide a list of board certified plastic surgeons. Be sure to do a little research online before you make your decision and your consultation appointment. That way, you likely will make the right choice quickly, saving time and frustration.

Use the internet and talk to your friends to find the right breast augmentation doctor in your area.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Can Your Breasts Use A Little Memory With MemoryGel Implants?

I don’t know about you, but I know I could use a little memory boost, both in my brain, and in my breasts. In fact, it sure would be nice if “the girls” remembered what they looked like years ago. Perhaps the MemoryGel implants by Mentor can make that happen. They recently received approval from the FDA; although around the world, there are more than a million women with them. That should say something for them.

Breast implants have been available in saline, silicone, and now there is the MemoryGel, which by the way is a type of silicone. This breast implant has been in the works for some time. Just recently in 2007, the MemoryGel started what will be a post approval study, involving the tracking of health data on over 41,000 women with the MemoryGel implants.

And although the current data may be a little light, the company is confident that they are offering a product that’s safe to women.

Each of us decides to have breast enhancements for our own personal reasons. You may be looking to perk up “the girls,” get a fuller or shapelier figure, or just looking to give your figure and self-esteem a boost. Whatever your personal reasons, what’s important is that you know as much as possible about the implant you are considering.

The quality of the implant you choose is very important, not only to your health, but also to the look and feel of your new breasts. There are several reputable manufacturers on the market, and MemoryGel is just one of them. The key is to do your research, so you are comfortable with your decision.

Every women deserves to look and feel her best, and if that includes breast augmentation, then nothing should stop you from pursuing your dream. You’ll look great, and feel great when you do what’s right for you. But what’s key is to ensure you are not putting your health at risk.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Silicone Breast Implants by Mentor Back on the Market

Since 1994, silicone breast implants have been banned in Canada, but in the last year, Health Canada has allowed the silicone breast implants made by Mentor back onto the market.

Why has Mentor had such an impact on the market with their silicone implant?

Mentor spent a great deal of money on studies and clinical research. Their studies were extensive in nature and far beyond what was required. As a result, their data confirmed that silicone implants could be considered relatively safe.

Although Mentor has gained significant ground in the Canadian market, it is important to know that this license is conditional, leaving Mentor responsible for providing further data and evidence that their product is in fact safe.

In the US, the FDA wants this information to be obtained from clinical studies that are long term, and Mentor is required to include information on the labeling of the product and the advertising.

Mentor silicone breast implants are considered superior around the world. Cosmetic surgeons recognize them for their superior construction with no compromise to the natural look and feel of the implant.

The Mentor Memory Gel is very popular choice for silicone implants. Made from a cohesive gel, they sustain the natural feel and shape of the breast because of the wide range of firmness choices.

Many woman and surgeons prefer this implant because it has a superior aesthetic appearance compared to saline.

The key to choosing the right implant for your breast enhancement lies with you and your surgeon. Together you will discover the right choice for you. But the good news is, for those women who want silicone, it’s once again available.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Breast Implants Doctor Advises Women to Choose Wisely

Dr Elizabeth Kinsley of Covington LA has created a system to allow women to make sure they make the right choice the first time.

Breast Implants

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Will Stem Cells Replace Silicone Breast Implants?

Stem cells spend a great deal of time in the news, but some of the scientific journals are claiming that within a decade silicone breast implants will be replaced by stem cells grown within one's own body.

It all began when Jeremy Mao from the University of Illinois used human stem cells to grow fat tissue, and although we'll skip all the details, what studies are indicating is that stem cells could eventually provide a much safer alternative to saline or silicone implants.

Breast implants that are a result of stem cells would not interfere with detecting cancer, and they also would keep their size and shape for much longer than saline or silicone implants, which will shrink as much as 60% over time.

Research continues and to say the least to a layman like ourselves, it's rather boring, but what is important is that it is showing promising capability for the future.

There are still some questions over how viable this type of implant is, but time will find answers to all of these questions.

Stem cells have a lot of promise in many areas, including breast implants, and it's hopeful that further studies will determine just how stem cells will work for bigger breasts.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Is Chewing Gum The Latest Breast Enhancement Tool?

A Japanese company claims to have the answer to a non-invasive breast enhancement. All you need to do is chew some Bust-Up gum, four times a day, and wow - it will enhance the size, and shape of your breasts, and even tone them. Who would have thought? Here for years us poor women have been going under the knife to get the bosom we want and all we needed to do was chew some "very special" gum.

The makers claim that the gum slowly releases compounds that have a plant extract called Pueraria mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua. The plants tubers contain certain chemicals that are suppose to mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen. Bust Up gum combines a few natural chemicals, which are responsible for the increase in breast size.

Don't believe it? Laughing hysterically? You're not alone, but then again tests that were done at Thailand's' Chulalongkorn University claim that Puerara mirfica increased breast sizes by as much as 80%. Imagine - form an AAA to a D just by chewing gum?

Still skeptical? Understandable - would you be more believable if the studies were done in England? England's studies did show some benefits to hair, skin, and breasts. This gum coming to a convenience store near you soon.

Skeptic? Of course... After all "if it sounds too good to be true," it is, right? If you've been thinking about a breast enhancement, but your budget's making it a little tough to reach your goal, maybe you can give the gum a try and see what happens. Now don't hold your breath waiting for a bigger bosom, but hey miracles can happen, and if this is one of those miracles, all of us women could be walking around with larger bosoms very soon, and for only pennies a day - what a novel idea.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Botox, San Francisco Breast Augmentation Doctor Roy Kim M.D.

BOTOX San Francisco - Plastic surgeon / cosmetic surgeon Dr. Roy Kim focuses on plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery procedures including BOTOX® and reconstructive surgical procedures.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Breast Enlargement Doctors

Given the premium that society places on having the adequate breast size, most women who have "less than the ideal" breast sizes often feel insecure and would want to take some steps that can help them achieve a fuller breast size. One of the options that women can take is surgery, which has become one of the most common "interventions" that have been employed to augment the breast size of women. However, given the nature of the procedure, women need to be aware not only of what the surgery can do for them but they also need to be aware of a number of things, which include the risk factors and on what options they can take if something goes wrong. The best source of this information is a physician, who can explain everything a woman needs to know before going under the knife for breast enlargement surgery.
Questions to ask your doctor about breast enlargement
One of the most important things that a woman who is considering undergoing breast augmentation surgery can do is to go on frequent consultations with her doctor because this can provide her with very important information. During these consultations, a woman should relay any questions or apprehensions she may have, which can help her make the right decisions. Among these questions, one of the most important is to ask about the risk factors involved in the procedure because this can help a woman weigh the pros and cons of having the procedure done.
Another very important question is to ask about the type of results that she can expect, as this would help set the right set of expectations with regard to the results of the procedure. In addition to these, a woman should also ask about the total cost of having the procedure done, which should include other costs apart from the cost of the surgery. More importantly, women should also talk and ask about the emotional aspect of having the procedure done, as this can be very helpful in making a woman prepare herself for the effects of the procedure, which include being treated differently by people.
Undergoing Boston breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and common options that women take to help them achieve a fuller breast size. However, this does not mean that women should take the decision of having their breasts done lightly, as they need to be aware of a number of important things, which include the risks involved in the surgery. The good news is that doctors are more than willing to provide very helpful information, which can make the decision of getting breast implants an intelligent one.

More Links on Breast Augmentation:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Breast Augmentation Doctor

Having a complete knowledge about Boston breast augmentation is very essential. Especially for all those women out there, who are contemplating having one? Each and Every woman has her own reasons to go in for a breast augmentation. The most basic desire is self-improvement and the need to look attractive. It is very important to understand that a change made to the outside of a person has amazing effects on the inside as well. Breast augmentation is not only a move to make you look more attractive but it mainly signifies a major change in your outlook about yourself and your body.

We came across this personal experience by Kimberly aged 33 living in Chicago. She had her breast implants done a year and a half ago. And she was pleased to see the results when she became a full C size from a small A size. She now has regrets for only one thing - why she didn’t have this surgery done years ago! This happens because women usually spend every day in their lives thinking about how much they don't have, what they should or shouldn't wear, most women are very self-conscious because they are the butt of people's comments and jokes. That is why they go ahead and have this breast augmentation surgery done. To boost their self esteem.

Due to good luck everything went smoothly for Kimberly, pre-operation, during operation and post operation. The first 4-6 weeks after operation you do feel excruciating pain and you can’t exercise at all, but after recovery women realize that it was worth all the pain. There is no more embarrassment, jokes and comments from people and you can wear all the nice clothes you want to.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Breast Augmentation Doctor

Breast Augmentation, mammaplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that uses breast implants to enlarge and shape the breasts. Breast augmentation will make your breasts bigger, it will not improve nipple asymmetry, nor move the breasts together nor lift droopy breasts. If you have droopy breasts, you might consider a breast lift. Boston Breast Augmentation is a procedure that can help patients that had babies, that want to look fuller, or for patients that after breast reconstruction want to look natural again.

The surgery takes anywhere from 35 minutes to 5 hours. The Plastic Surgeon will discuss with you the placement of the breast implant, and where to locate the incision. These two points are of extreme importance, you as well as your doctor can agree on the pros and cons of the different choices, and which would be the right one for your particular case. Breast Augmentation is the most popular of breast surgery procedures.

The breast lift procedure is geared towards women who's breasts have taken a toll after pregnancy, nursing and /or the force of gravity. As the skin looses its elasticity, the breasts start sagging, they loose their shape and firmness. This cosmetic procedure raises and reshapes sagging breasts.

For patients who’ve experimented the devastating effects of time or breastfeeding on their breasts, a breastlift, or the medical term, mastopexy, is the surgery that could help them attain better shaped, firmer breasts. In some cases patients could even reduce the size of the nipple, and insert breast implants to help achieve firmer breasts.

The surgery usually takes anywhere from two to three hours, and again it depends on each individual case, whether the patient has more, or less tissue to be removed, and whether a patient decides to have implants inserted and/or their nipple reduced. General anaesthesia is used, so it would be wise to consult with your surgeon on the risks and complications of anaesthesia, and whether you are at risk for any complication.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Breast Augmentation Doctor

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to find an experienced, board certified doctor. Breast augmentation surgery involves certain risks and uncertainties that only a board certified plastic surgeon that is adequately trained and has proven knowledge can handle. Those preferring to undergo breast augmentation should ideally consult a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) or American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

A good breast augmentation doctor will assess your health and ascertain which surgical techniques are the best for you. Most breast augmentation surgeons will also discuss possible options regarding plastic surgery, as well as the risks and limitations of the procedure. If the breasts are sagging, the doctor may recommend a breast lift. During the consultation, reputed breast augmentation doctors provide before and after pictures of previous patients. You can always consult other patients of the doctor to ascertain his or her expertise.

The issues discussed during the initial consultation should include guidelines on eating and drinking before surgery, the cost of the surgery, the kind of facility the surgery will be performed in, the type of anesthesia that will be used during surgery, recovery procedures and possible side effects and complications. Prior to the surgery, the doctors should be aware of the medications, vitamins and drugs a patient is taking. It is very important that women who smoke tell their doctors, since smoking could possibly delay the healing process and cause added complications. Most breast augmentation doctors will also recommend a baseline mammogram before undergoing surgery.

Boston breast augmentation physicians will help a patient decide what the best method of inserting and positioning the implants will be. Once the surgery is over, the physician should provide e advice regarding when to start exercises and normal activities.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Breast Augmentation Doctors Views on Silicone Implants

Breast augmentation doctors and others are weighing in on the re-approval of Silicone Breast Implants.

From the Sacramento Bee editorial section: FDA's breast implant warning is inadequate

From the LA Times: Breast implant makers, plastic surgeons expect boost from silicone

And from one surgeon an opposing view in the Twin Pioneer Press: A toast to silicone implants? Not from this surgeon

I have enlarged the breasts of thousands of women with silicone implants since they were introduced in the 1960s. I even wrote articles in favor of silicone. Then Paula S. came to see me in 1992. At age 32, she had had at least three breast surgeries, and each time her breasts became rock-hard and painful. She could not lie on her stomach. We replaced the silicone with smooth saline implants. Within a short time these too became hard, as did the next set.
As you can see, even the breast augmentation doctors can't get together on this one.

Interesting developments on the horizon I'm sure!