Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Breast Augmentation Doctor

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to find an experienced, board certified doctor. Breast augmentation surgery involves certain risks and uncertainties that only a board certified plastic surgeon that is adequately trained and has proven knowledge can handle. Those preferring to undergo breast augmentation should ideally consult a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) or American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

A good breast augmentation doctor will assess your health and ascertain which surgical techniques are the best for you. Most breast augmentation surgeons will also discuss possible options regarding plastic surgery, as well as the risks and limitations of the procedure. If the breasts are sagging, the doctor may recommend a breast lift. During the consultation, reputed breast augmentation doctors provide before and after pictures of previous patients. You can always consult other patients of the doctor to ascertain his or her expertise.

The issues discussed during the initial consultation should include guidelines on eating and drinking before surgery, the cost of the surgery, the kind of facility the surgery will be performed in, the type of anesthesia that will be used during surgery, recovery procedures and possible side effects and complications. Prior to the surgery, the doctors should be aware of the medications, vitamins and drugs a patient is taking. It is very important that women who smoke tell their doctors, since smoking could possibly delay the healing process and cause added complications. Most breast augmentation doctors will also recommend a baseline mammogram before undergoing surgery.

Boston breast augmentation physicians will help a patient decide what the best method of inserting and positioning the implants will be. Once the surgery is over, the physician should provide e advice regarding when to start exercises and normal activities.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How do you go about finding a physician that is willing to perform breast augmentation for a male patient.