Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Will Stem Cells Replace Silicone Breast Implants?

Stem cells spend a great deal of time in the news, but some of the scientific journals are claiming that within a decade silicone breast implants will be replaced by stem cells grown within one's own body.

It all began when Jeremy Mao from the University of Illinois used human stem cells to grow fat tissue, and although we'll skip all the details, what studies are indicating is that stem cells could eventually provide a much safer alternative to saline or silicone implants.

Breast implants that are a result of stem cells would not interfere with detecting cancer, and they also would keep their size and shape for much longer than saline or silicone implants, which will shrink as much as 60% over time.

Research continues and to say the least to a layman like ourselves, it's rather boring, but what is important is that it is showing promising capability for the future.

There are still some questions over how viable this type of implant is, but time will find answers to all of these questions.

Stem cells have a lot of promise in many areas, including breast implants, and it's hopeful that further studies will determine just how stem cells will work for bigger breasts.

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