Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Breast Augmentation Through The Belly Is Scarless

Having no scars makes breast augmentation that much more natural looking. This might not be important for everyone, but for some it is a wonderful development. Perhaps, you spend a lot of time at the beach in a bikini, maybe you are a model, or maybe you are just a little self-conscious in the nude. Whatever your reason for wanting to be scarless, this is an option for you.

Each year thousands of women from all walks of life decide to have breast implant surgery. Maybe you've been thinking about it too but just can’t bear the scars that are such a give-away. Are the scars the only thing standing between you and fuller breasts? But what if you were a candidate for the belly procedure?

The what you ask? TUBA or Transumbilical Breast Augmentation is an endoscopic procedure. The implants are inserted through the belly button, which eliminates any scarring.

Mentioned on the website for Swan Center for Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, "A recent surgical breakthrough called TUBA (Trans Umbilical Breast Augmentation) allows the surgery to be performed through the belly button eliminating scars altogether! An improved variation of this technique uses an endoscope to precisely position each implant thus improving symmetry, balance and natural look of the newly augmented breasts."

It also decreases the time it takes to recover, and most patients suffer less pain and less post-op wound care. Overall, it means you’ll be down for less time. The entire procedure will take 30 to 45 minutes and there is much less risk of damage to the nerves that supply feeling to the nipple area. It is the least invasive of all the breast augmentation procedures.

Not all breast augmentation sizes can be done with TUBA, so you will need to know what size of implants you want before your surgeon can tell you if you are a candidate for TUBA. And of course, it cannot be use with silicone implants. It does work well with saline.

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