Monday, May 12, 2008

South Jersey Breast Augmentation Gives Women a Great Shape

There are as many reasons for pursuing breast augmentation as there are women that having the procedure. What is of the most importance, though, is knowing the facts before committing to the surgery.

At Premier Plastic Surgery Arts, the staff understands that each patient has different needs – whether surgery is for post pregnancy rejuvenation or body image improvement. All of these patients are welcomed in consultation with Dr. Franckle.

In the consultation, Dr. Franckle discusses a patient's desires and makes recommendations so the results match realistic goals as closely as possible. These decisions are some of the most important ones made. If the patient is dissatisfied with the results, the possibility that she'll need revision surgery increases.

No doctor wants to put a patient through unnecessary revision surgery, so you should feel free to ask Dr. Franckle any questions you have about the procedure. Among the things you'll need to consider include:
- silicone vs. saline implants,
- breast size,
- incision site,
- implant location,
- and if a breast lift will further enhance your results.

Recovery varies by patient. Typically, patients go home after the out-patient surgery wearing a light, supportive dressing. Oral medication is prescribed and a specific return to activity schedule is recommended. Additionally, Dr. Franckle uses dissolving sutures that don't scar, so patients don't have suture removal follow-up.

Knowing the facts about breast enhancement is as important as your decision to get the surgery. For South Jersey breast augmentation, visit Dr. Franckle online at

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