Monday, August 25, 2008

Breast Augmentations in Boston by Dr. Richard Moss

In the Boston area, patients looking to get breast surgery can check out Dr. Moss' clinic. Dr. Moss "The Beauty Boss" has 25 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries including breast augmentations.

Boston Breast Augmentation with Dr. Moss:

* Board Certified in Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology
* Offers breast augmentations, lifts, reductions and asymmetry correction
* Offers silicone or saline implants by Mentor
* Implants come with limited warranty
* Breast enlargement incisions are very small, no larger than 4.0 centimeters (1.57 inches)
* Considers the following during consult and surgery:
~Incision (type and placement)
~Implant placement (submuscular/subglandular)
~Type of implant (saline/silicone)
~Implant features (shape, surface and profile)
* Patients allowed to "experiment" with implant sizes before surgery
* Pain suppression pump (Alpha Infusion Pump)
~Worn for 48 hours post surgery
~Catheter is small (size of a sewing needle)
~Marcaine (Novocain type drug) dripped into surgical site
~Passive pressure mechanism, no electricity or batteries necessary
* In and out patient facilities made available to patients
* Breast asymmetry considerations:
~Both smaller (bilateral reduction)
~Both larger (bilateral augmentation)
~One side only smaller (unilateral reduction)
~One side only larger (unilateral augmentation)
~One side smaller, one side larger (unilateral reduction & augmentation)

Dr. Moss receives each patient to his Boston practice according to his "Gold Standard of Care". Each patient who visits Dr. Moss is treated in a friendly yet professional manner as Dr. Moss attends to the individual needs of the patient.

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