Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Micro Breast Implants-- The Future of Breast Augmentation?

Vanderbilt surgeon Dr. William Brennan has invented a "micro" breast implant that he believes will revolutionize breast augmentation surgery.

Micro implant augmentation would use hundreds of pea-sized implants rather than one large one. This would allow for much smaller incisions (5mm vs. 2 or more inches), less pain and a more natural look than enhancements with traditional breast implants. These silicone micro implants are designed to compress together inside the breast to form a natural, enhanced look according to Dr. Brennan.

Micro implant augmentation also offers an additional potential advantage. It allows the option of changing enhancement size after surgery simply by adding or removing the tiny implants in and easy office visit.

Dr. Brennan began working on his revolutionary micro breast implants in 2002 and is set to begin testing for FDA approval.

Today, approximately 350,000 women in the US undergo breast augmentation each year. For more information on current methods of South Hills breast augmentation, contact Dr. Heil at Premier Plastic Surgery.

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