Saturday, November 29, 2008

Breast Implants, Long-Lasting, but not Necessarily Permanent

While breast implants are meant to be permanent, they often require a lifetime of maintenance according to Beverly Hills breast enlargement surgeon Dr. Jay Orringer who says, “…breast implants could require replacement multiple times over the course of an individual’s life.” Issues such as capsular contracture, a hardening of scar tissue around the implant, or implant rupture or deflation are common reasons for replacement.

Some doctors, in fact, recommend replacement every 12-15 years. This lifetime maintenance commitment is one of the key issues women must consider before undergoing augmentation. Because breast enhancement is a cosmetic procedure, not covered by insurance, implant replacement, or revision surgery due to other complications must be paid for out of pocket as well.

Other considerations, according to Dr. Orringer, include implant interference with mammograms, which may be of particular concern for women with a family history of breast cancer and are of a higher cancer risk. This interference can be reduced some through implant placement, but not diminished all together. Another important issue to consider is a loss of sensation in the breast skin or nipples. Though sensation loss is rare, there is no way to predict which women will or will not experience it. And since sensation loss can be permanent, it must be factored into any potential breast augmentation patient’s decision making process.

Of course, not all breast implant replacement surgeries are due to complications. Some women simply decide to “upgrade” as better implants are introduced onto the market. Many women seek to replace their saline implants, for example, with silicone gel for silicone gel's realistic look and consistency. Other revision patients are unhappy with the size they originally chose, and seek an enlargement or reduction of implant size. Though doctors try, it is still difficult to show patients precisely how their implants will look and feel on their frame after surgery. Tools such as implant sizers and computer imaging help, but mistakes in implant sizing choice are still common.

Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Ambe performs numerous revisions at his practice. Recently seen on The Real Housewives of Orange County, Dr. Ambe helped reality star Tamra Barney feel more comfortable with her body proportion by replacing her implants, which she describes as “way too large for my frame” with smaller ones. Dr. Ambe replaced the implants in conjunction with breast lift surgery, a decision Ms. Barney is very pleased with.

Both Dr. Orringer and Dr. Ambe consider pre-op consultation as key for successful cosmetic surgery. According to Dr. Orringer, “that taking sufficient time to discuss, plan, individualize and perform your procedure is time well spent.”

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