Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Using Stem Cell Research To Grow Your Own Breasts

Some day soon it may be possible to grow your own breasts. Stem cell researchers are working on ways that fat and other tissue from your body can be made in a laboratory, and added to your breasts. Using fat tissue would create much more natural feeling breasts than the synthetic augmentation options.

According to an article in the Daily Mail, scientists in Japan have successfully implanted fat tissue in women's breasts, and the results have been fantastic. Fat cells were taken from other parts of their bodies, and grown in the laboratory. They were implanted with no problems, and the breasts feel totally natural.

The surgery will, hopefully, be available to everyone in the next five years. It should be noted, the procedure does not offer as much additional volume as saline or silicone implants. Enhancement of approximately a half cup-size is the average.

For the time being, scientists are still running tests and doing check-ups to make sure there are no problems.

For more information on available methods of breast enlargement, Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Bob Basu can answer your questions.

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