Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saline or Silicone Gel?

Though silicone gel implants have been back on the market for awhile, the debate over which implant is the best option continues. Of course, the answer is one each woman needs to explore and answer for herself, based upon her own goals and concerns.

To make this choice a little easier for those considering breast augmentation, Savannah plastic surgeons at Coastal Empire Plastic Surgery explore some the pros and cons of each implant type on their website.

Some of the points they cover include:

*Incision size required for each option. (Saline generally require smaller incisions than silicone.)
*Patient safety if implant ruptures. (Saline can be absorbed naturally by the body while silicone cannot.)
*Availability to women of various ages. (Silicone are only available to women 22 or over.)
*Size adjustability. (The size of saline implants can be adjusted during surgery while silicone gel cannot.)
*Implant feel. (Silicone gel tends to feel more natural than saline.)
*Skin rippling around the breast. (Saline implants sometimes ripple, causing an unnatural look, while silicone gel do not.)

For more information about breast implant options, consult the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' website or webmd.com

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