Sunday, May 31, 2009

Body Contouring for Bariatric Patients

As more and more Americans seek the many benefits of bariatic surgery, the demand for post weight loss plastic surgery grows. After considerable weight loss, the body is often left with excess skin and pockets of fat that cannot be reduced through diet or exercise. In turn, a patient may experience great health and self-esteem benefits from their weight loss while substantial cosmetic issues remain.

For individuals in this situation, plastic surgery techniques known as body contouring can offer the improvement they seek. Body contouring removes excess fat and skin from various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, buttock and arms for a trimmer look and feel. For those interested in body contouring, Houston, TX plastic surgeon Dr. Bob Basu says evaluation of the patient's all over health is essential, including nutritional habits, exercise, stability of weight and other factors.

According to Dr. Basu, ideal candidates for body contouring tend to be those who have reached their goal body weight and have maintained it for 4-6 months. For his patients in Houston, breast lift, tummy tuck, thigh lift and other body contouring procedures can offer great cosmetic improvement, but he recommends they maintain their weight for at least 6 months prior to surgery for the sake of safety and optimal results.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients who undergo body contouring while still obese tend to have more complications than those who wait until they reach and maintain their goal weight before surgery.

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